So, another Christmas comes and goes in a blink. This year, amongst other things, Santa delivered me a shiny new digital camera and a new set of knives. He’s a clever boy. He always knows…He’s been doing this for me religiously - actually, probably not religiously if you think about it – for many years now. How does he always know?Mine is one of those families that don’t cook a huge turkey on Christmas Day. It’s this idea that turkey is not the best meat; it can tend to be a bit dry and uninteresting at the best of times. Instead we have a rib of beef with all the trimmings and sometimes a small crown of turkey.
It is however Boxing Day when we really come into our own. This is the day I look forward to most. A more relaxed day by definition: less stress and expectation, less people to feed and less actual cooking.
So here, for all you keen readers, is what we had to eat this Boxing Day passed:
Smoked Salmon with Scrambled Eggs on Wholemeal toast.
The Main Lunch:
Fresh Langoustines
Mussels in White Wine, Cream and Parsley Sauce
Fresh Lobsters
Shucked Oysters with Tabasco Sauce
Smoked Salmon
Fillets of Peppered Mackerel
Brown Bread & Butter
6 Bottles Chilled Muscadet

"Boxing Day"
The day after Christmas, the Feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, is better known as Boxing Day. The term may come from the opening of church poor boxes that day; maybe from the earthenware boxes with which boy apprentices collected money at the doors of their masters' clients.
Nowadays, we often see, in certain families, gifts (boxes) given to those who provide services throughout the year.
No WAY! Did you take all those shots???? Amazing! I knew you would be a kick ass photog. (natch)
Most happy Boxing day, and thank you for the explination, I always just htough it was the day you give the butler a tip...LOL
(I guess only I think thats funny, then again, Im drinky...LOL)
Most happiest to you and yours!
Why thank you!
I try my best...just getting to grips with the new camera, which is great! it does the work for me!
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